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Going Deep Page 12
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Chapter Thirteen
An alarm sounded incessantly. Marduk looked down. It came from Huxley’s pocket.
“Damn.” The human reached to dismiss his cell phone reminder, yelled to Marduk―misting above―and Enlil who idled his bike at his side while waiting at a red light. “I’m supposed to pick up Dani-Lee.”
Ever since the PP had seen the lovely doctor with the Blue Hills immortals, she had become a person of interest to the bad guys. As a safeguard against any move they might make against her, one invisible god was always present with Dr. Dani during her hospital shifts, and either Marduk, Anshar, or Huxley—and Enlil made visible by Huxley—chauffeured her to and from the hospital. She was no longer allowed to live in her solitary apartment, but instead had been coerced into schlepping her meager belongings to a guest room at the T-Taj.
Dani had snarked at Marduk with the change to her arrangements. She thought the precautions ridiculous, but was overwhelmingly outvoted time and time again. The gods would not be denied.
Marduk and Enlil sent knowing glances toward each other. Huxley had that scowling pout again. “Then it’s lucky you’re out already.” Marduk pointed to the next left. “Cut over on Adams Street and we can backtrack up Hospital Hill.” They had traveled less than a minute out of their way.
“Who’s with her today?” Huxley asked.
“It’s Absu,” Enlil answered, then paused for a moment. He spoke to Absu in head-talk, then relayed to his companions. “He and Dani are waiting for us at the valet parking door.”
Huxley turned his bike where Enlil indicated, and sighed loudly enough that Marduk heard him over the roar of the engines. Poor guy. Dani had him all tied up in knots. Huxley always seemed relieved when it was Marduk or Anshar’s turn to fetch the pretty doctor. Because Marduk often rode shotgun, he knew Huxley’s jaunts with her were always damned uncomfortable.
Ever since he’d been her patient while healing from his bullet wound, the doctor acted oddly around Huxley. She treated him with a hands-off demeanor, backed up by a professional coldness. Not that Hux seemed to want more. When questioned, he’d told Marduk that any inappropriate behavior he might have displayed at the time had all been a big mistake, and he blamed the meds he’d been taking.
Now, when the pair found themselves thrown together, the poor humans acted weirdly awkward. Huxley had said that he would like to remain…friends with Dani. Marduk nearly snorted. They were both fucking delusional.
Marduk pondered. What was Huxley’s problem? And for that matter, what was the doctor afraid of? Perhaps she was scared of getting involved. It didn’t seem like she had a lot of people close to her, even at the hospital. Had they witnessed any of her peers acting like friends? Nope, Marduk confirmed to himself. No buddies. She sure was good at keeping her distance.
But now she was part of the Blue Hills gang, whether she wanted to be or not. She’d unbent a little with the women, and loosened up with the visible gods. And even though she couldn’t see a whole slew of the residents, he’d caught her holding a one way conversation, albeit in the wrong direction, with her new “air” buddies a time or two.
Could that be the problem? Perhaps she didn’t want to mix hanky-panky with her new living situation. Even though quarters weren’t close at the compound, it could still be awkward messing around with a roommate. Well, if that was it, Marduk wished she’d lighten up. The whole situation turned Huxley into a raving lunatic. Maybe today, with both him and Enlil alongside, the ride home wouldn’t be so strained.
The hospital was in sight, and as he headed around back, his eyes immediately spotted the tall, willowy redhead. She was hard to miss. Especially with the sun glinting off her wavy, coppery tresses.
“Shit.” Huxley muttered.
Marduk sighed. He wished he knew what the big deal was with Hux not acknowledging his attraction to the doctor. Thank the gods the human quickly donned his game face before pulling his bike to a stop, or Dani would get that hurt look again that tugged at Marduk’s protective instincts. One glance at Enlil, who’d throttled down his bike too, showed Marduk the wind god had also caught Huxley’s curse.
Absu, who was invisible to Dani and the people coming and going from the hospital, waved a hand at Marduk before misting off, relinquishing his charge to return to the Blue Hills. Dani-Lee joined Hux and Enlil, not knowing of Marduk’s presence, and he watched her carefully as she considered getting on the back of Enlil’s bike. Before she could make the move, Huxley handed her his extra helmet and the leather jacket off his back.
“Take this. I didn’t remember we had to pick you up, or I would have brought yours.”
“That’s all right.” She slipped on his jacket, and Marduk held back a snicker. She had―surreptitiously she thought―inhaled the male scent that clung to the leather. He’d seen the same move from his wife many times. At least Hux remained oblivious.
Dani turned to hide her flushed cheeks and spoke to the visible god. “Hey, Enlil. How’s your…uh…wound?”
The wind god laughed. “You mean how’s my ass?” It was a source of amusement to all at the compound that, during their last encounter with the PP, Enlil had been shot in the posterior. “Couldn’t be better. You know how fast we gods heal.” Immortals had the ability to regenerate tissue at an unusually fast rate. The only reason it had taken Enlil longer to convalesce was that the bad guys now used osmium laced bullets, an amalgam insidiously harmful to the immortal group. “You can take a look at it if you want.” Enlil wiggled his eyebrows. Marduk didn’t miss the scowl that came over Huxley’s face.
Dani laughed. “No thanks. As pretty as it is, I think I can take your word for it.” Her tone remained light and Enlil certainly took no offense. Huxley looked like he did. Marduk was aware—even if the corporeal male was not—that the only ass Dr. Dani wanted to see, sat firmly on the bike she was about to mount.
Dani stole a quick glance at Huxley before climbing on the back of his bike. “I haven’t checked your incision lately. I should probably have a look when we get home.”
Hux had a tendency to pull the stitches that led down his chest, and Dani-Lee had already restitched him twice; the latest time being when Huxley had rushed off to Chicago to assist the gods in his sister’s rescue. The scar on his chest would eventually show how much he had misbehaved during his convalescence.
“It’s fine.” Huxley responded gruffly.
Marduk watched the pair closely, placing mental bets with Enlil on how long Hux could take being close to Dani before popping a woody. The only deal killer? Neither one was going to check.
Hux continued, “The witches have been making me put some aloe goo on it that seems to be working out.”
Ouch. So the other ladies in the house could get close to Huxley, but he kept his distance from Dani. His brush off must have twisted a little dagger. Dani’s face screwed up with what looked to be a direct stab.
Dammit, Marduk was going to make sure that—even if Huxley was going to be an ass—the rest of the household made Dani feel very damned welcome.
“Great. That’s great.” she said between stiffly held lips. “I’ll have to find out what they put in their ointment. A lot of people at the hospital have been asking for more natural remedies to help with recovery.”
Huxley actually chuckled at that. “I’m not sure how sterile their stuff is. I think they mix it in the bathroom sink while Wizarr sits on the edge, cleaning himself and watching.”
Marduk snorted. Wizarr was the witches’ cat, a creature quite evil if he didn’t count you among his small group of friends.
Dani looked surprised…and happy at Huxley’s response. “I guess I won’t be bringing any to the hospital directly from the source.”
Marduk grimaced at the thought of the cat hair solution.
The doctor continued merrily, “I’ll have to see if they’re willing to give out the recipe.”
Before Huxley could respond, a voice cut into Marduk’s head. Enlil heard it too, because he
sat bolt upright.
“What is it?” A startled Huxley asked.
Enlil held up his hand while he and Marduk got filled in.
Marduk. Shamash broadcasted. The PP are arriving in droves. There are a slew of them, Erra included, and from what I can pluck out of the war god’s head, they seem to be waiting for you to return.”
Marduk listened, and Enlil spoke it all out loud for Hux and Dani’s benefit. “Shamash says the security system had been jumping for the past hour. The PP and Erra have arrived at the compound. They must have gotten wind that we’re up to something.”
The thunder god had a hunch. That strange energy surge from the stone idol you got from Irving. My bet is Erra felt it too, and it’s somehow important. You need to get it safely into the compound as soon as possible, and that means misting in. Dani and Hux…Marduk hesitated…they can’t go back. It’s not safe for anyone visible.
Enlil turned and fished the small package out of the bike’s saddlebag. He tucked the stone icon into his shirt and spoke again. “I’m going.”
“And what should we do?” Huxley deferred to the god of wind.
“Marduk says it isn’t safe for you to come back. You wouldn’t get close before being ambushed…just like last time.” Enlil didn’t look happy. “I’m going to mist back and drop this off. Then I’ll bring back a bunch of cash. You and Dani disappear; lie low until things die down.”
Everybody knew about Huxley’s perpetual state of being broke, although with the amount of money his gym generated, none of them could figure out what he did with his funds. Marduk was just glad that the gods had plenty of dough to go around.
“But what about my things? My clothes?” Dani spluttered. She remained dressed in the scrubs she’d operated in earlier, and although they didn’t look disgusting to Marduk, she had probably been looking forward to getting out of them and into a hot shower.
“Nothing we can do about it. You can buy what you need later. Just disappear fast. Something’s got the PP on alert. I wouldn’t be surprised if Erra starts checking the road between the Taj and the hospital. Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Enlil looked around to make sure there were no prying eyes.
Marduk looked around too, and let him know the coast was clear. The wind god got off the bike, walked a hundred yards away to the corner of a building and then disappeared. Marduk stood guard.
“Great.” Dani seemed disgruntled. “I suppose this means I’ll have to ask for another leave of absence from the hospital.” She grabbed her cell phone to make the call, and Marduk felt bad. It was all their fault her life had become a quagmire of shit. Hopefully, this would be a quick blip on the screen.
Huxley remained silent and vigilant. While Dani made her excuses to the hospital director, he kept his eyes roving, alert to any possible danger. The sooner the pair got out of here, the better. Marduk cracked his invisible neck. He was relieved to see Enlil arrive back within minutes. Dani-Lee hung up the phone and looked extremely unhappy.
Enlil thrust a hand toward the humans. “Here’s enough money to make due.”
Marduk perused the size of the wad of cash that changed hands, and silently whistled. The couple could survive half a year on what Enlil had handed Hux.
Enlil spoke again, “Let us know where you end up, and we’ll keep you posted on everything going on. Marduk thinks the statue gave off some kind of energy the minute we handled it. Shamash said they all felt something weird back in the compound. It must have been what brought Erra and all his troops running.”
“How will you find out what it means?” Huxley still scanned the area while he and Enlil concluded business.
“We’re going to wait for Ereshkigal and Holly to come back from the Underworld. Shamash figures if anyone will know what the idol’s all about, it will be the queen.”
“I hope he’s right.” Huxley shook his head and reminded Enlil of their vulnerable position. “Listen, we’d better take off.”
“Right.” Without another word, Enlil got back on his bike and rolled it away, taking cover in the shadow of a large sign so that when Huxley reached the hundred yard limit, Enlil and the motorcycle could disappear without being seen. Huxley headed quickly toward the highway.
“Where are we going?” Dani-Lee yelled over the roar of Hux’s bike.
Hux’s smart answer echoed back. “We’ll be safest where there are a lot of people, so I’m headed in to Boston.”
The thunder god was torn. He wanted to stay with the couple to see them safely settled, but he needed to be back at the compound for Tess. He justified his return home. Hux and Dani would be more vulnerable to detection if Marduk’s god energy hung around.
As the thunder god lingered—even with the increased engine noise—he caught the dejected tone in Dani’s voice. “I talked to my boss and he wants to meet with me when my ‘busy schedule allows’ as he sarcastically put it. I have a feeling I’m canned, big time.”
“You know the gods have been dying to hire you full time at the compound.” Hux assured her, and Marduk felt immediately better for the positive spin. “It wouldn’t be the worst gig you could have, even if you use it as an interim thing until you can find another hospital to take you on.”
“I suppose.” Dani nibbled her bottom lip and turned her face to the side mirror.
Huxley quickly brought his attention back to the road and hit the fast lane. Marduk sighed. Tess’s brother and Dani were about to spend an unprecedented amount of time together. He wasn’t sure what that would mean…for either of them, but one thing was certain. The sooner the pair arrived in Boston the better.
Marduk misted home.
Chapter Fourteen
Ereshkigal and Holly appeared at the compound. Tess gave a sigh of relief, so Holly figured she must not look any the worse for her trip to hell. As a matter of fact, she’d better watch the bemused bewilderment plastered across her face. Her sister would want to know what that was all about. Ah, shit, too late. But before Tess could edge her way over to confront her, Ereshkigal had taken Holly’s elbow and pulled her to the corner of the room.
“One moment before we join you,” she said to the waiting gods and goddesses. She lowered her voice for Holly’s ears only.
“When I speak of Nergal’s commands, do not tell Anshar that his Lenore will be imprisoned while you and Dagon try to reach her in the throne room. Also do not tell him that her life will be forfeit if you fail at your task. If Anshar refuses to let Lenore accompany you, Nergal will not allow your quest.”
Holly chewed her lip in consternation. Fooling Lenore felt wrong. “I can’t tell Anshar, but can I tell Lenore? She should be given a heads up so she can make up her own mind.”
Ereshkigal obviously saw the fairness in Holly’s request, and they called the goddess over to join them.
“What’s up, girls?” Lenore was five-foot two, but her spiked heels had her nearly eye-to-eye with Ereshkigal.
Holly snorted. “First of all, you might want to lose the footwear in favor of something more practical. There’s no hardwood flooring in the Underworld.”
“Noted,” Lenore answered. “But I’m really quite good on any terrain, and these babies do double duty as my weapons of choice.”
“Suit yourself.” Ereshkigal shrugged. If Holly wasn’t mistaken, it was almost a challenge. Was the queen looking forward to seeing the feisty blonde in action? Time would tell.
Holly addressed Lenore, “There’s one piece of fucked up news we’d like to pass on without your hubby knowing.” They all glanced over at a glowering Anshar, clearly not happy about any of this. “Nergal has included a stipulation for our trip to Hell.”
“This ought to be good.” Lenore narrowed her eyes. “Let’s hear it.”
“If and when the three of us finally meet up with Dagon, Enlil will immediately be sent back here, but you will be held captive by the king until Dagon and I arrive to free you in the throne room.”
Lenore’s mouth dropped open. “You’ve got to be sh
itting me.”
“I’m afraid not, Lenore. So now’s the time to back out if you want to.” She dared another surreptitious glance at Lenore’s husband. “You understand we couldn’t risk letting Anshar know, but I figured you needed to make up your own mind.”
“Damn.” Lenore cast a glance at her lover. “He’s going to be rip-shit when he finds out.” But clearly the goddess didn’t have to give it much thought. “Ah well, of course I’m going. Dagon started out being an asshole, but he did right by me in the end…and he is family after all.” Her crooked smile belied any trepidation she might have. “Let’s get moving, shall we?”
The group edged back across the room with Lenore sneaking a final hug from Anshar. It almost looked like he wouldn’t let her go, but with a quick twist, Lenore was out of his arms and across the room to the waiting travelers.
Enlil took a few minutes to pack, and then Marduk finally showed up. They had a quick, last-minute conversation before Enlil joined the ladies. I stuck the idol in my backpack. There’s been no time to ask Ereshkigal about it, but I’ll find out once I’m in the Underworld. He sent the words to Marduk, Holly, and Lenore.
Will do, Enlil, Marduk answered. All of you stay safe and return soon.
“I feel like we’re off to see the wizard.” Holly muttered.
If you were headed to Oz, I’d be all over that. Emesh sent out. But I’ll pass on hell, thank you.
Holly waved a fast goodbye to her sister.
The trip was instantaneous and all but Lenore knew what they would see upon arrival. She, however, was clearly awed, especially when she got her bearings and spied Nergal. Oh, my gods. The blonde approached the king without hesitation. Did Lenore know that she played with fire?
“Shit! You are one big dude.”
Nergal eyed Lenore curiously. “And you are quite diminutive and have a rather filthy mouth.”
“Yup. That’s me.” Holly could tell that Lenore wasn’t going to miss a beat despite the fact the king was very impressive. “So why do you have to be such a prick and make all this happen?” She looked way up into Nergal’s amazingly handsome face. “Your queen seems like a regular enough sort. Can’t you stay down here and make nice together and let the rest of us get on with our lives?”